Produkt zum Begriff English:
TurboDraw, English
TurboDraw TurboDraw, Create beautiful graphic designs and vector illustrations on your PC. Full layer support Powerful Bézier editing tools Boolean operations to create new shapes Create text art and add text to any path 2,000+ pre-designed vector graphics and royalty free images Creative filters and effect Full support for SVG files, including import and export TurboDraw makes it easy for anyone to create incredible graphic designs and vector art. You don’t need to be a graphic design professional to create incredible looking artwork for any print or online project. Advanced Tools: Full layer support Powerful Bézier editing tools Boolean operations to create new shapes Create text art and add text to any path Full support for SVG files, including import and export Knife tool to slice graphics on the canvas Eraser tool to remove parts of graphics Blend tool to create 3D tunnel effects and unique shapes Component Library to save and reuse new graphics you create Creative background and fill textures Solid, text and artistic strokes for added style Smoothing tool to smooth out choppy freehand drawings Artistic color palettes and gradients Detailed help guide Bonus Graphics & Tools: 2,000+ pre-designed vector graphics and royalty free images Creative filters and effect65+ commercial use fonts Royalty-free photos and images Over 100 Professionally-Created Design Ideas including: Posters Postcards Print Banners Web Banners SignsI llustrations Fun artistic expressions Simply use the powerful vector drawing tools to sketch out your design, or import a vector graphic in SVG format to add your own creative touch. Beginners to graphic design can get started quickly by using any of the 300+ pre-designed, royalty free design ideas and graphics without the hassle of starting from scratch. Features Full Layer Support: TurboDraw works on layers. Now you can easily modify any of the layer by selecting it individually. You can check how much layers are using in single image or project by accessing Layers at the right side. Now you can hide and remove any layer very easily from Layers. Boolean operations to create new shapes: Now you can combine two existing shapes into a new shape very easily by using Boolean feature. In shapes combine you can use Union, Intersect, XOR and Exclude option. You can see this feature in Home menu under Editing. Create text art and add text to any path: It became very easy to add any text to any path. You can add alphabets from Alphabet Art under Objects at left side of the screen. You can insert Text on path by accessing insert menu under Text. Full support for SVG files, including import and export: Now it has become very easy to import and export your SVG files. You can save your project as SVG files and then import it very easily by accessing Insert menu. Knife tool to slice graphics on the canvas: You can select any part of the image and paste it anywhere in the canvas by using select and crop functionality. Creative background and fill textures: You can create creative backgrounds by accessing Canvas menu. You can insert and give any color to background and make it more attractive. Solid, text and artistic strokes for added style: Now you can add simple solid text as well as artistic stroke text to make your drawing or documents more attractive. You can access these features by accessing Text under Insert menu. Smoothing tool to smooth out choppy freehand drawings: TurboDraw allows you to make your desired drawing by using freehand pen and pencil from Drawing under Insert menu. Now it has become very easy to make creative drawings in seconds. Detailed help guide: TurboDraw offers online help guide. Now you can learn everything by using this user guide. You can access help guide by accessing Help at the right top corner. Add Effects: TurboDraw allows to change the background color, background image, Text color etc. very easily. Now you can add effects in your added picture or written text means change text color, style, size etc. on single click. Import Objects: Now you can easily import any JPEG, SVG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, WMF image in TurboDraw.
Preis: 84.95 € | Versand*: 0.00 € -
English Gentleman
Preis: 113 € | Versand*: 0.00 € -
English Legal System
An introduction to the complexities of law, with clarity Elliott & Quinn’s English Legal System, 21st Edition, by Allbon and Dua provides a deep understanding of the English Legal System and how it works in practice. This text has been relied upon by generations of students and is renowned for its wide-ranging coverage and signature writing style.Key features include: Topical debates to engage you in the discussion points and reforms of today Relating the law, processes and procedure to our everyday lives Clear structure designed to aid systematic understanding of broad topics Putting the law in context through the Bigger Picture Key cases described and analysed in depth within a text box Glossary to explain complex concepts Updated annually with all major case law and legislative developments, this 21st Edition includes coverage of: Debate of recent cases such as Miller in relation to constitutional law and Brexit Uber and Deliveroo ‘gig’ economy cases on employee status Modernisation of the administration of civil justice system Owens v Owens divorce case and resulting Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill enabling no-fault divorce Recent recommendations regarding the promotion of ADR Review of LASPO by MOJ and implications for criminal justice English Legal System is the ideal companion for anyone studying law at university. This edition is a PDF ebook, and is also available as an Enhanced ebook to enrich your studying experience. It has features like: self assessment questions with dedicated feedback to help gauge your progress, deep links to key case reports, statutes & other sources of interest that provide access a wealth of wider reading, end of the chapter quiz that gives further opportunity to consolidate understanding and prepare for exams. Emily Allbon is a Senior Lecturer and the Director of Mooting at City, University of London.Sanmeet Kaur Dua is a Senior Lecturer in Law and the Deputy Director for TEF at Queen Mary University of London. Pearson, the world’s learning company.
Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Classic English @ Ch
Preis: 44 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
Was bedeutet Old English Bulldog in Not?
Old English Bulldog in Not bedeutet, dass ein Old English Bulldog in einer schwierigen Situation ist und Hilfe benötigt. Dies kann bedeuten, dass der Hund ausgesetzt wurde, vernachlässigt wurde oder aus irgendeinem Grund nicht mehr versorgt werden kann. In solchen Fällen suchen Tierschutzorganisationen oder Tierheime nach einer neuen Familie für den Bulldog, um ihm ein besseres Leben zu ermöglichen. Es ist wichtig, dass solche Hunde rechtzeitig Unterstützung erhalten, um ihr Wohlergehen zu gewährleisten.
Cool is said in English.
"Cool" wird auf Deutsch als "cool" gesagt. Es ist ein geläufiges Lehnwort, das im deutschen Sprachgebrauch verwendet wird, um etwas Positives oder Beeindruckendes zu beschreiben. Der Begriff wird oft im informellen Kontext verwendet, um Zustimmung oder Bewunderung auszudrücken. In der Umgangssprache ist "cool" ein vielseitiges Wort, das verschiedene Bedeutungen haben kann, je nach Kontext.
Wie läuft eine Cambridge English Prüfung C1 ab?
Die Cambridge English Prüfung C1 besteht aus vier Teilen: Lesen und Verstehen, Schreiben, Hören und Sprechen. Die Prüfung dauert insgesamt etwa vier Stunden. Im Lesen und Verstehen Teil müssen die Kandidaten verschiedene Texte lesen und Fragen dazu beantworten. Beim Schreiben Teil müssen sie einen Aufsatz zu einem gegebenen Thema verfassen. Beim Hören Teil müssen sie verschiedene Hörtexte verstehen und Fragen dazu beantworten. Beim Sprechen Teil müssen sie in verschiedenen Situationen auf Englisch sprechen, zum Beispiel eine Diskussion führen oder eine Präsentation halten.
What does "eine Ausbildung machen" mean in English?
"Eine Ausbildung machen" in English means "to undergo vocational training" or "to do an apprenticeship". It refers to a structured educational program that combines theoretical learning with practical work experience in a specific trade or profession.
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Prodad ERAZR, English
Delete unwanted objects from video - quick and easy! Remove any unwanted people and objects from your videos Easy trimming of clips Manual & automatic object tracking Comfortable marking of objects Compatible with every framerate (24p/25p/30p/50p/60p and more) Supports resolutions up to (and including) 8K Sometimes your video recordings are disrupted by unpredictable factors outside of your control! A car passing, or the presence of objects such as traffic signs, can ruin the quality of your work. However, there is a simple solution to remove all of these annoying elements from your video footage . This means, you don’t have to repeat your shots dozens of times to get the perfect sequence, all you need are a few clicks. How does it work? Once at the editing stage, it's too late to start shooting again. Fortunately, Erazr allows you to rescue all your projects by deleting unwanted elements from your videos. All you need to do is mark the item to delete. Whether this is a still or moving element, Prodad ERAZR can delete it automatically to make it disappear from your image. But that's not all, because once the element has disappeared, ERAZR fills and matches the leftover space with its powerful algorithm. The result is stunning, as if the item had never existed. What’s more, the function applies to the entire sequence where the item is present. There is no need to erase image by image. This is huge progress for video editing! Designed for amateurs as well as video professionals, Erazr also has an intuitive and comprehensive interface so you can get started quickly with the software. Fonctionnalités Clear timeline for a fast workflow Easy trimming of clips Comfortable marking of objects Manual & automatic object tracking Comprehensive keyframe support Supporting optional input devices (like USB pedals) Effects preview window prior to file export Direct YouTube upload if desired Compatible with every framerate (24p/25p/30p/50p/60p and more) Supports resolutions up to (and including) 8K These video tutorials will help you get started quickly with Erazr: System Requirements Version 1 Platform Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 Compatible only with 64-bit Windows 6GB main memory 1GB graphics memory recommended i7-cpu : 16 GB main memory, 3GB graphics memory
Preis: 495.00 € | Versand*: 0.00 € -
English Country Tune
English Country Tune
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Polylemma (English edition)
Polylemma (English edition) , "No Trust, No City!" was the longtime credo on their website; "Some Ideas for Better Cities" was their first joint lecture series; and Acting in Public was their first book. For over twenty years, the architecture collective raumlaborberlin has been searching for new spaces of encounter and for ways of achieving cooperative urban development. Together with experts from various disciplines, they experiment with new forms of urban practice, participation, and the joint production of space. Polylemma explores the work of the collective from diverse perspectives. Its nine members visit the sites of their work, come together with long-standing colleagues and critics, dissect the mechanisms behind their actions, and reflect on the tools and methods of their research-based practice. Examining numerous projects, they discuss strategies for learning together, experimental building, radical recycling, and cooperative urban development. The book is a call to action: space becomes an actor that fundamentally questions design itself and the role of architects. It offers an extensive collection of photos and drawings, analyses and ideas, tutorials and building instructions, that continually test and explore the parameters for action in urban space. Polylemma asks: How do we want to live together in the future? It is a request to think space openly; a plea for the city as a sphere of action. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen
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Transaktionsanalyse (English, Fanita)
Transaktionsanalyse , Das Buch enthält eine Fülle von Materialien zum Thema Beziehungen. Es will deutlich machen, wie es zu Störungen, Ersatzgefühlen und Ausbeutungstransaktionen in zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen kommt und welche Lösungsmöglichkeiten die TA hier bietet. Die Autorin stellt darin ihre Racketanalyse dar, für die sie den Eric Berne Memorial Scientific Award erhalten hat. Außerdem wird das ebenfalls von F. English entwickelte theoretische und therapeutische Konzept der Existenziellen Verhaltensmuster-Analyse (EVA) vorgestellt. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften , Erscheinungsjahr: 200104, Produktform: Kartoniert, Autoren: English, Fanita, Seitenzahl/Blattzahl: 254, Abbildungen: Mit Abb., Fachschema: Beziehung (psychologisch, sozial)~Analyse / Transaktionsanalyse~Transaktionsanalyse~Gefühl~Psychotherapie - Psychotherapeut~Therapie / Psychotherapie, Fachkategorie: Psychologie, Warengruppe: HC/Angewandte Psychologie, Fachkategorie: Psychotherapie, Thema: Verstehen, Text Sprache: ger, UNSPSC: 49019900, Warenverzeichnis für die Außenhandelsstatistik: 49019900, Verlag: Iskopress Verlags GmbH, Verlag: Iskopress Verlags GmbH, Verlag: iskopress Verlags GmbH, Länge: 218, Breite: 149, Höhe: 22, Gewicht: 412, Produktform: Kartoniert, Genre: Geisteswissenschaften/Kunst/Musik, Genre: Geisteswissenschaften/Kunst/Musik, Vorgänger: A1675861, Vorgänger EAN: 9783894034047, Herkunftsland: DEUTSCHLAND (DE), Katalog: deutschsprachige Titel, Katalog: Gesamtkatalog, Katalog: Lagerartikel, Book on Demand, ausgew. Medienartikel, Relevanz: 0018, Tendenz: +1, Unterkatalog: AK, Unterkatalog: Bücher, Unterkatalog: Hardcover, Unterkatalog: Lagerartikel,
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What does "Jahrgang einer Zeitschrift" mean in English?
"Jahrgang einer Zeitschrift" translates to "year/edition of a magazine" in English. It refers to a specific year or volume of a magazine, indicating the collection of issues published during that period.
What does "Einzelkämpfer" mean in English?
"Einzelkämpfer" translates to "lone fighter" or "individual combatant" in English. It refers to someone who prefers to work or fight alone rather than as part of a team or group.
How do you say "Happy Nikolaus Day" in English?
You say "Happy Nikolaus Day" in English.
Was kann man mit English Studies machen?
Was kann man mit English Studies machen? Man kann mit einem Abschluss in English Studies eine Vielzahl von Berufswegen einschlagen, wie zum Beispiel als Lehrer, Übersetzer, Lektor, Journalist, Werbetexter oder in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Durch das Studium von Literatur, Sprache und Kultur können Absolventen auch in den Bereichen Forschung, Marketing, Tourismus oder im Verlagswesen tätig werden. Zudem bietet ein Studium in English Studies die Möglichkeit, interkulturelle Kompetenzen zu entwickeln und in internationalen Unternehmen oder Organisationen zu arbeiten. Letztendlich eröffnet ein Abschluss in English Studies vielfältige Karrieremöglichkeiten in einem globalisierten Arbeitsmarkt.
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